Common Questions
- General Questions
- System Integrations
- Security & Compliance
- Capture & Retrieval
- Analytics & Reporting
- Storage & Version control
- Connectors
- For Partners & Customers
How does Document.One as a company help my organization?
- Document.One is a company that provides Document Management System (DMS) and Connectors solutions to its clients. Our goal is to ease processes related to every stage of a document’s life cycle in a fast and scalable manner, specifically in highly regulated industries.
- Document.One Connectors can help clients and partners who require the integration of their solution into their customers’ Document Management (DMS), Content Management (CMS) and Enterprise Content (ECM) Management systems.
What are key components of the Document.One DMS?
Document.One DMS key components include:
- Rest APIs: A comprehensive set of APIs for performing operations related to every stage of a document lifecycle. For the full list of API capabilities, you can login and view our API documentation.
- WebReader: Through the Document.One WebReader component, you can browse through contents, view documents, and comment on them. You can also use the split view function to view different documents side by side.
- User interface components: These web components allow easy integration of content-related user interface components into custom applications. This includes, for example, search fields, hit lists, buttons and saved searches.
What are the system requirements to operate the Document.One DMS on-premise?
There are different setups with different software and hardware requirements in the Document.One DMS:
- Depending on the use case, you might require 4-8 CPU, 12-32 GB of Memory, Minimum GBit network and Linux – Kernel 3.10 or newer.
- For a more detailed description of the system requirements, you can visit our Documentation Portal.
Where can I find the API documentation for the Document.One DMS?
The Document.One API documentation is part of the Document.One software package. You can also visit our Documentation Portal for further information.
Can I integrate the Document.One DMS with my organization’s content workflow?
The Document.One DMS enables you to integrate with your organization’s content workflows. This can be done through the complete set of Document.One REST APIs and the user interface components like Document.One WebReader.
Can I control user access to my contents in the Document.One DMS?
Yes, you can set access control lists (ACLs) to define who can access contents and repositories and what types of actions are allowed. Based on the permissions granted to you, this can be done on two levels:
- On the repository level,
- On the content level.
Can I use the Document.One DMS as centralized storage for all my contents from different departments or business units within my organization?
Yes, the Document.One DMS can be used as centralized storage for all your organization’s contents.
Can I create documents based on templates using Document.One DMS?
With Document.One, you can create simple or complex templates, which will help you save time.
What types of conversion services does the Document.One DMS provide?
There are different types of conversion services provided by the Document.One DMS:
- Converting contents to an image format
- Converting contents to PDF format
- Merging contents
- Applying templates or watermarks
- Extracting text, email body and attachments
Can I search for contents based on their properties?
The Document.One DMS enables you to assign different types of properties as metadata. You can easily search for the content you want based on its metadata. Some examples are:
- Content ID,
- Creator of the content,
- Owner of the content,
- Custom tags for different content types.
Can I search for keywords and phrases across all my contents in the Document.One DMS?
You can perform a full-text search, which is a technique for searching through documents and databases not only by title but also by content.
Can I monitor the health status of the Document.One DMS to detect anomalies?
The Document.One DMS has a health check system that can be integrated into different monitoring systems and tools, and you can perform manual checks.
What kind of data sources can I connect to with the Document.One DMS?
You can connect to a variety of data sources. Some examples include:
- Documentum,
- CMIS compatible systems, which consist of more than 10 other different data sources.
What kind of content formats are supported by the Document.One DMS?
You can store any content format and view content types such as PDF, images, and Microsoft Office documents.
Can I compare different file versions and revert changes if necessary?
The WebReader component of the Document.One DMS provides side-by-side document viewing capability, which helps you compare documents visually with ease and revert unwanted changes in different document versions.
Can I get statistics on the contents stored in the Document.One DMS?
Yes, you can get an overview and check for the number of folders, types of content, number of files, contents’ metadata, and so on.
What are Document.One Connectors and how can they help my organization?
- Document.One Connectors are a collection of tools made using Java libraries that normalize access to different Document management (DMS), Enterprise Content Management (ECM), and Content Management (CMS) systems.
- Document.One Connectors provide APIs to access different DMS, ECM and CMS systems. A set of adapters, also created by Document.One are specifically designed to integrate with workflows available on the webMethods Integration Server.
What systems can Document.One Connectors connect to?
Document.One Connectors can provide connections to a wide range of DMS, ECM and CMS systems (for further details, navigate to the System Integrators page). Some examples are:
- SharePoint,
- Documentum,
- Alfresco,
- FileNet,
- CMIS standard compatible sytems.
What kind of content operations are available to me when I integrate Document.One Connectors with my system?
Document.One Connectors enable you to perform all essential operations for managing content. These operations apply to both folder and file levels, and include:
- Create
- Read
- Update
- Delete
- Search
If I need instructions or have more questions about a topic, where can I turn to?
You can choose from the following options:
- Check our documentation: The Documentation Portal is the best source of information about Document.One products.
- Open a customer ticket: If you did not find the answer you seek in the documentation, feel free to submit a ticket at the Document.One Customer Portal.
Will Document.One develop a new feature based on my specific request?
It depends on many factors. Feel free to contact us and we will discuss the feature you have in mind. After that, we will evaluate your request and let you know.
How do I access the Customer Portal?
You can reach the Document.One Customer Portal here. To log in, use the username and password provided to you by the Document.One Support Team. Note that only customers of Document.One can have access to the Customer Portal.